Nafkah anak merupakan suatu kefarduan yang wajib ditunaikan secara berterusan oleh bapa atau penjaga menurut hukum syarakdan undang-undang. Namun begitu, tidak dinafikan bahawa wujudnya pengabaian nafkah daripada pihak bapa kepada anak-anakdisebabkan pelbagai faktor. Pengabaian nafkah ini menyebabkan kehidupan anak-anak terjejas dan tidak mendapat hak yangsepatutnya. Oleh itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis potongan Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) sebagai suatu alternatif untuk pembayaran nafkah anak di Mahkamah Syariah sekaligus mencadangkan potongan simpanan KWSP bapa sebagai salah satu mekanisma pembayaran nafkah. Data utama dalam kajian ini diperolehi melalui kajian perpustakaan dan juga kajian lapangan yang melibatkan temubual dengan Peguam Syarie bagi mendapatkan pandangan mereka berkenaan kaedah-kaedah pembayaran nafkah yang sedia ada serta keperluan pelaksanaan potongan KWSP sebagai kaedah alternatif. Metodologi yang digunakan ini boleh menyoroti potongan wang KWSP bagi tujuan nafkah dibuat melalui undang-undang seterusnya boleh mengesahkan kepentingan potongan wang KWSP bagi membela hak anak-anak untuk mendapatkan nafkah. Kajian ini penting khususnya kepada pihak kerajaan dan pembuat dasar di KWSP bagi meminda dasar yang sedia ada untuk membantu memelihara hak anak-anak daripada sikap culas bapa yang mencarum di KWSP.
Child support is an obligation that must be fulfilled continuously by the father or the guardian according to the Syarak and common law. However, there is no denying that there is often the issue of neglect in the maintenance of child support from the father due to various factors. This neglect has certainly affected the lives of the children as they do not get the rights that they deserve. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the deduction from the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) as an alternative for the payment of child support in the Shariah Court. It is a proposal that the deduction of the father’s EPF savings can be one of the payment mechanisms for child support. The main data in this study was obtained through a library study and also a field study involving interviews with Sharie Counsel. The latter was carried out to obtain their views on the existing methods of payment for child support and the need to implement EPF deductions as an alternative method. The methodology used can highlight the deduction of EPF money for the purpose of child support made through the law. It will also further underscore the importance of the deduction of EPF money to protect the rights of children to obtain child support. This study is important to the government and policy makers as the amendment to the existing policy will go a long way to help protect the rights of children from the cavalier attitude of fathers toward payment for child support.