Ru is an autobiography written by Canadian Vietnamese writer Kim Thuy. In this novel, Kim depicts her family's experiences as Vietnamese refugees, as well as how they settle down in Canada. This paper focuses on refugee narratives in the novel from three aspects: war narrative, the experience of refugees and their identity construction. The paper comes to the conclusion that refugee narratives depict the cruelty of war, reveal the harsh condition of refuges, and explore refugees' identity construction. So refugee narratives embody the humanistic concern of literature.
IntroductionSince the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Canada in 1970, the number of Chinese immigrants from Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China has dramatically increased, also a large number of Southeast Asians of Chinese origin people have immigrated to Canada, including many Vietnamese of Chinese origin. Southeast Asian Chinese have been good at doing business and have accumulated a great deal of wealth with intelligence and diligence, which makes them vulnerable to political persecution and torture of war. One of the historical and political roots of Southeast Asian immigration was wars in Southeast Asia, the most famous of which was the Vietnam War. People who flee to a foreign country to escape war are refugees.Refugee narrative is a kind of political and historical writing which is a continuation of the realistic literary tradition in Western literature, reflecting the political and historical picture of wars which is a reflection of western hegemony in the world. Moreover, refugee narratives make a realistic writing of the refugee tide like in Southeast Asia. Thus, it is of great value to explore the hegemonism in the world and the division and civil wars caused by the interference in the internal affairs of western countries.In modern Canadian literature, refugee narratives reflect the change of the global political power caused by the neo-colonialism in the western power after the World War II, as well as turbulence of the political situation in the third world, the economic chaos and the frequent occurrence of the civil war. Behind civil wars in many countries are the traces of western power manipulation, so-called "Military assistance".Ru, an autobiographical novel, is written by Kim Thuy, tells the legendary experience of the author's family members who make hazardous journeys to Canada after the Vietnam War, striving to take root in Canada, and finally realizing the American Dream. Although the author gives a full account of her ambition to make her fortunes in Canada, she uses the word "American Dream". This shows that Canada is the representative of western powers, reflecting the same ideological and political and social context as the United States. Although Canada did not directly participate in the Vietnam War, it provided a large number of weapons and materials to America. Ru reflects characteristics of refugee narratives from three aspects: war narrative, the experience of refugees and their identity con...