The task of a caregiver might exert several effects upon his/her physical and psychological health. It should be highlight the role of the caregiving mother (CM) of patients with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). DMD is a genetic-character disease with a prevalence of 1 to every 3,500 boys live births and with high mortality rate. The disease´s progression significantly compromises the quality of life and mainly the patient´s independence, making it indispensible the presence of a caregiver. The overload of physical and emotionoal work, including nocturnal periods, may interfere with the CM´s sleep. CM with a son with DMD demonstrated lower sleep efficiency, higher sleep latency, and reported poor sleep quality. These modifications might negatively interfere with health and quality of life of these CMs. Therefore, the evaluation of sleep pattern and quality in this subjects is most important and essential, being for their own global health, as well as for the patient´s well-being. We point out the need for a major interest from the scientific community and health professionals in better understand the impact of chronic diseases on health and quality of life of caregivers and patients..