Review of more than 100 articles accessed in literature survey for the last decade of dynamic China-Africa economic relation has been done with an objective of examining the nature and perspectives of Sino-Africa relation along Trade, FDI and Aid channels. China-Africa relation is a win-win in the short and medium run but the long-run impact is far from clear. Governance issues, environmental concern, asymmetric trade relation, prospects for African industrialisation, technology transfer and employment generation, and so on are debatable issues in most of the literatures assessed. Beneficial roles include that coordinated involvement of Chinese private sector alongside with State-owned enterprises and integrated application of trade, aid and FDI tools from Chinese side would remain to be a beneficial scheme in the African context. Researches can take up the impact of the relation on multilateral and bilateral development actors role in Africa; collaboration mechanisms among the actors; impact on sustainability of natural resource extraction; Africa's industrialisation and technology transfer; Africa's Global Integration and Institutional Development; Role of Private Actors; Sector specific impacts of the relationship.