We analyze the recently proposed Spectral Quark Model in the light of Chiral Perturbation Theory in curved space-time. In particular, we calculate the chiral coefficients L1, . . . , L10, as well as the coefficients L11, L12, and L13, appearing when the model is coupled to gravity. The analysis is carried for the SU (3) case. We analyze the pattern of chiral symmetry breaking as well as elaborate on the fulfillment of anomalies. Matching the model results to resonance meson exchange yields the relation between the masses of the scalar, tensor and vector mesons, M f 0 = M f 2 = √ 2MV = 4 3/Ncπfπ. Finally, the large-Nc limit suggests the dual relations in the vector and scalar channels, MV = MS = 2 6/Ncπfπ and r 2 1/2 S = r 2 1/2 V = 2 √ Nc/fπ = 0.59fm.