Kümmel et al. Reply: In a Comment [1] on our Letter on self-propelled asymmetric particles [2], Felderhof claims that our theory based on Langevin equations would be conceptually wrong. In this Reply we show that our theory is appropriate, consistent, and physically justified.The motion of a self-propelled particle (SPP) is forceand torque-free if external forces and torques are absent. Nevertheless, as stated in our Letter [2], effective forces and torques [3][4][5][6][7] can be used together with the grand resistance matrix (GRM) [8] to describe the self-propulsion of forceand torque-free swimmers [9]. To prove this, we perform a hydrodynamic calculation based on slender-body theory for Stokes flow [10,11]. This approach has been applied successfully to model, e.g., flagellar locomotion [12,13] and avoids a general Faxén theorem for asymmetric particles. A key assumption of slender-body theory is that the width 2ϵ of the arms of the L-shaped particle is much smaller than the total arc length L ¼ a þ b, where a and b are the arm lengths.The centerline position of the slender particle is xðsÞHere, r is the center-of-mass position of the particle in the laboratory frame of reference and r S ¼ ða∥ Þ=ð2LÞ is a vector in the particle's framedefined by the unit vectorsû ∥ ,û ⊥ -such that r − r S is the point where the two arms meet at right angles. The fluid velocity on the particle surface is approximated by _ x þ v sl with a prescribed slip velocity v sl ðsÞ. According to the leading-order slender-body approximation [10], the fluid velocity is related to the local force per unit length fðsÞ on the particle surface byÞf with c ¼ logðL=ϵÞ=ð4πηÞ, the solvent viscosity η, the identity matrix I, x 0 ¼ ∂x=∂s, and the dyadic product ⊗. The force density f satisfies the integral constraints of vanishing net force, R a −b fds ¼ 0, and vanishing net torque relative to the center of mass,T . First, we consider a passive particle driven by an external force F ext , which is constant in the particle's frame, and torque M ext . For this case, we assume no-slip conditions for the fluid on the entire particle surface. Then the integral constraints with net force F ext and torque M ext givewhereÞ=ð12L 2 Þ is the GRM that depends on the particle shape [8,14].In the self-propelled case, motivated by the slip flow generated near the Au coating in the experiments, we setthe arm of length b and no slip (v sl ¼ 0) along the other arm. This results inWe emphasize that the tensor H in Eq. (3) is identical to the GRM in Eq. (1). Formally, both equations are exactly the same ifû ∥ · F ext ¼ 0,û ⊥ · F ext ¼ bV sl =c, and M ext ¼ −ab 2 V sl =ð2cLÞ. This shows that the motion of a SPP with v sl ¼ −V slû⊥ along the arm of length b is identical to the motion of a passive particle driven by a net external force F ext ¼ Fû ⊥ and torque M ext ¼ lF with the effective self-propulsion force F ¼ bV sl =c and effective lever arm l ¼ −ab=ð2LÞ. By transforming Eq. (3) from the particle's frame to the laboratory frame and introducing the generalized diffusi...