Simulating the κ(800) on the lattice is a challenging task that starts to become feasible due to the rapid progress in recent-years lattice QCD calculations. As the resonance is broad, special attention to finite-volume effects has to be paid, because no sharp resonance signal as from avoided level crossing can be expected. In the present article, we investigate the finite volume effects in the framework of unitarized chiral perturbation theory using next-to-leading order terms. After a fit to meson-meson partial wave data, lattice levels for πK scattering are predicted. In addition, levels are shown for the quantum numbers in which the σ(600), f 0 (980), a 0 (980), φ(1020), K * (892), and ρ(770) appear, as well as the repulsive channels. Methods to extract the κ(800) signal from the lattice spectrum are presented. Using pseudo-data, we estimate the precision that lattice data should have to allow for a clear-cut extraction of this resonance. To put the results into context, in particular the required high precision on the lattice data, the σ(600), the Pwave resonances K * (892) and ρ(770), and the repulsive πK, ππ phases are analyzed as well.