Abstract:We address the question of perturbative consistency in the scalar fishnet models presented by Caetano, Gürdogan and Kazakov [1,2]. We argue that their 3-dimensional φ 6 fishnet model becomes perturbatively stable under renormalization in the large N limit, in contrast to what happens in their 4-dimensional φ 4 fishnet model, in which double trace terms are known to be generated by the RG flow. We point out that there is a direct way to modify this second theory that protects it from such corrections. Additionally, we observe that the 6-dimensional φ 3 Lagrangian that spans an hexagonal integrable scalar fishnet is consistent at the perturbative level as well. The nontriviality and simplicity of this last model is illustrated by computing the anomalous dimensions of its tr φ i φ j operators to all perturbative orders.