Quantum anomaly is a fundamental feature of chiral fermions. In chiral materials the microscopic anomaly leads to nontrivial macroscopic transport processes such as the Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME), which has been in the spotlight lately across several branches of physics. The quark-gluon plasma (QGP) created in relativistic nuclear collisions provides the unique example of a chiral material consisting of intrinsically relativistic chiral fermions. Potential discovery of CME in QGP is of utmost significance and extensive experimental searches have been carried out over the past decade. A decisive new collider experiment, dedicated for possibly detecting CME in the collisions of isobars, has been performed in 2018 with analysis underway. In this paper, we develop the necessary and state-of-the-art theoretical tool for describing CME phenomenon in these collisions and propose an appropriate isobar subtraction strategy for the best background removal. Based on that, we make quantitative predictions for signatures of CME in the collisions of isobars.