The discovery of high-temperature superconductivity in doped copper-oxide (cuprate) materials 1 triggered an enormous interest in the relation between Mott physics, magnetism, and superconductivity 2 . Undoped cuprates are antiferromagnetic Mott insulators, where the Coulomb repulsion between electrons occupying the same atomic orbital prevents carriers from moving through the crystal. The introduction of electron vacancies or 'holes' into these materials, however, leads to the formation of Cooper pairs and their condensation into a macroscopically coherent superconducting quantum state. Now several decades later, there still is no consensus regarding the precise mechanism of cuprate superconductivity. Progress in this field would greatly benefit from discoveries of superconductivity in other Mottinsulating materials 3 . Here, we show that adsorption of only 1/3 monolayer of Sn atoms on a heavily boron-doped silicon (111) substrate 4 produces a strictly two-dimensional superconductor with a critical temperature 𝑻 𝐜 of 4.7 ± 0.3 K that rivals that of NaxCoO2•yH2O 5,6 Both systems can be viewed as close but very rare realizations of the triangular-lattice spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet, which is a strong candidate for hosting exotic magnetism 7 and chiral superconductivity 8-11 . These findings point to 'cupratelike' physics in a simple sp-bonded non-oxide system and suggest the possibility of exploring unconventional superconductivity using a conventional semiconductor platform.