I review results on QCD at high temperature since lat year lattice conference. Topics include steady progress with staggered fermions and new developments with Wilson type fermions, either in the Quark Gluon Plasma phase, and in the transition region. Simulations with chiral quarks are coming of age,and togheter with theoretical developments trigger interesting developments in the analysis of the critical region. Issues related with the universality class of the chiral transition and the fate of the axial symmetry are discussed in the light of new numericaland analytical results. Transport coefficients and analysis of bottomonium spectra compare well with results of heavy ion collisions at RHIC and LHC. Model field theories, lattice simulations and high temperature systematic expansions help building a coherent picture of high temperature QCD. The (strongly coupled) Quark Gluon Plasma is heavily investigated, and asserts its role of inspiring theoretical laboratory.