As a step toward performing a complete coupled-channels analysis of the world data of πN, γ * N → πN, ηN, ππN reactions, the πN → ππN reactions are investigated starting with the dynamical coupled-channels model developed in Phys. Rev. C76, 065201 (2007). The channels included are πN , ηN , and ππN which has π∆, ρN , and σN resonant components. The non-resonant amplitudes are generated from solving a set of coupled-channels equations with the meson-baryon potentials defined by effective Lagrangians. The resonant amplitudes are generated from 16 bare excited nucleon (N * ) states which are dressed by the non-resonant interactions as constrained by the unitarity condition. The data of total cross sections and πN and ππ invariant mass distributions of π + p → π + π + n, π + π 0 p and π − p → π + π − n, π − π 0 p, π 0 π 0 n reactions from threshold to the invariant mass W = 2 GeV can be described to a very large extent. We show the importance of the coupled-channels effects and the strong interference between the contributions from the π∆, σN , and ρN channels. The large interference between the resonant and non-resonant amplitudes is also demonstrated. Possible future developments are discussed.