We study the surface and bulk electronic structure of the room-temperature ferromagnet Co:TiO2 anatase films using soft and hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy with probe sensitivities of ∼1 nm and ∼10 nm, respectively. We obtain direct evidence of metallic Ti 3+ states in the bulk, which get suppressed to give a surface semiconductor, thus indicating a surface-bulk dichotomy. X-ray absorption and high-sensitivity resonant photoemission spectroscopy reveal Ti 3+ electrons at the Fermi level (EF ) and high-spin Co 2+ electrons occurring away from EF . The results show the importance of the charge neutrality condition: Co3+ (VO is oxygen vacancy), which gives rise to the elusive Ti 3d carriers mediating ferromagnetism via the Co 3d -O 2p-Ti 3d exchange interaction pathway of the occupied orbitals.PACS numbers: 79.60.-i, 73.20.-r, 75.50.-y Dilute ferromagnetic oxides have been at the forefront of a paradigm shift in the search for spintronics and magneto-optic device materials [1][2][3][4][5][6]. However, for achieving reliable thin-film device performance, it is necessary to ensure the surface and bulk electronic properties of candidate materials. This is particularly true for high Curie-temperature oxide ferromagnets for spintronics which can be synthesized only in thin film form, such as Co:The main question that still remains enigmatic: What changes drive the long-range coupling of local moments in an insulating parent? The pre-runners, namely, dilute magnetic semiconductors (DMSs) which consisted of magnetic 3d transition metal (TM) ions doped in III-V and II-VI compounds, showed a Curie-temperature (T c ) well-below room temperature e.g. InMnAs, GaMnAs, ZnCrTe, etc [7][8][9]. Theoretical studies of carrier-mediated ferromagnetism played a pivotal role in predicting high-T c ferromagnets in the dilute substitution limit [10]. The spin-charge degrees of freedom and the anisotropic character of the dopant TM d -orbitals results in a directional dependence of exchange energies and T c 's of upto 170 K [11,12]. The limitation of T c 's significantly lower than room temperature motivated studies on alternative parents, like oxides and nitrides. The discovery of ferromagnetism in Co-doped TiO 2 (Co:TiO 2 ), with a T c exceeding 300 K [2], was crucial in expanding the field to oxides, leading to a rapid increase of new materials and phenomena arising from a synergetic marriage of semiconductor physics and strongly correlated systems.From extensive magnetic and transport studies, it is now well-accepted that Co:TiO 2 films grown in a reducing environment or annealed in vacuum result in Co segregation [13,14], while films grown in an oxidizing condition are intrinsically ferromagnetic with high spin Co 2+ [15,16]. While initial x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) measurements and annealing in vacuum concluded that the ferromagnetism was extrinsic due to segregated Co metal clusters [14], subsequent XMCD studies showed intrinsic ferromagnetism in Co:TiO 2 grown in oxidizing conditions [17]. A soft xray surface...