We show that a honeycomb lattice of Heisenberg spin-1/2 chains with three-spin junction interactions allows for controlled analytical studies of chiral spin liquids (CSLs). Tuning these interactions to a chiral fixed point, we find a Kalmeyer-Laughlin CSL phase which here is connected to the critical point of a boundary conformal field theory. Our construction directly yields a quantized spin Hall conductance and localized spinons with semionic statistics as elementary excitations. We also outline the phase diagram away from the chiral point where spinons may condense. Generalizations of our approach can provide microscopic realizations for many other CSLs. Introduction.-Chiral spin liquids occupy a prominent position among the most exotic quantum phases of matter [1]. As examples of quantum spin liquids [2, 3], they occur in magnetic insulators with long-rangeentangled ground states that break time-reversal and reflection symmetries. The historically first proposal is the Kalmeyer-Laughlin CSL [4, 5], a topological phase of interacting spins equivalent to a bosonic fractional quantum Hall state. The non-Abelian phase of Kitaev's honeycomb model in a magnetic field provides another CSL example, with Ising anyons as elementary excitations [6]. Recent experiments have reported a quantized thermal Hall conductance for the Kitaev material α-RuCl 3 [7], compatible with the chiral Majorana edge mode expected for this CSL phase. Various other CSL phases have been theoretically investigated [8-22] and are actively searched for in experiments, including gapless CSLs with spinon Fermi surfaces [23-26].A major obstacle to the theory of CSLs comes from the shortage of analytical methods able to predict their occurrence and their physical properties in microscopic models. Apart from exactly solvable models [6,9,10], standard approaches employ parton mean-field theories that fractionalize the spin operator into fermionic or bosonic quasiparticles [5,27], or use variational wave functions obtained by a Gutzwiller projection scheme [2]. Such approaches are often able to capture the basic phenomenology when the CSL phase is indeed realized. However, since they rely on uncontrolled approximations, their predictions are often questionable, e.g., due to the neglect of interactions mediated by emergent gauge fields. In this Letter we establish a connection between chiral fixed points of boundary conformal field theory (BCFT) [28,29] and CSL phases, and use it to formulate a controlled analytical construction scheme for CSLs where chiral junctions of multiple spin chains serve as the elementary building blocks in two-dimensional (2D) networks of spin chains. Our approach markedly differs from standard coupled-wire constructions [13][14][15][16][30][31][32], where spin liquid phases emerge in models of coupled parallel chains. Our network construction instead uses