Transectional distributions of chironomid larvae were investigated at 14 sampling stations covering the estuaries of 7 rivers, all flowing into Hiroshima Bay, Benthic sediments were quantitatively sampled at 3 different levels along the transectional line at each station, i.e. a submerged ]evel at ebb {S), a water level at ebb (Z) and a dried-up level at ebb (D), and emerging male adults from the sediment samples were identified. A total of 183 males, be!onging to 31 species, were col]ected, Ptocladius simplicistilus, RheQPelQPia eximia, Cn'cotoPus bicinctus, C bimacutatus, Ptiratn'chocladius rufiventris, Chironomus salinarius, Dicrotendipes enteromorphae, Nilothauma brayi and Tci2rytarsus yunosecundus occurred only in S. Chironomus nipt)onensis, l)blyPedilum masudai and Stictochironomus Pictulus occurred only in Z. CricotoPus sylvestris, Ptzrzitendipes tamayubai, Pblypedilum ]'oponicum Cladotanytarsus vanderwuipi and 7kerrytarsus uncrgz'septimus occurred only in D. On the other hand, Chironomus leiiensis, C yoshimatsui and Dicrotendipes flexus occurred in all the levels. These results suggest that there are transectional habitat-segregations in estuaries among the species in relation to their resistance to salinity and dessication. The JapanSociety ofMedicalEntomology and Zoology 216 Med. Entomol, Zool.