In order to verify the cascade-system effect in benthic macroinvertebrate communities, and the implications for policy making and proposals for conservation and sustainable use of the lower portion of São Francisco river basin (Bahia State, Brazil), a three-reservoir cascade system including two stretches downstream were studied during dry (June, 1997) and rainy (March, 1998) periods. The dominant groups found were Mollusca (Melanoides tuberculata), Oligochaeta, and Chironomidae larvae. Low Shannon-Wiener and Pielou index values were found, but with no significant difference between the sampling periods. However, density and taxonomic richness were significantly different (t (0.05; 31) = -2.1945; p < 0.05; e t (0.05; 31) = -3.0600; p < 0.01) between the sampling periods, with a reduction in the number of taxa and macroinvertebrate abundance during the rainy period. An increasing gradient in benthic macroinvertebrate community structures was noted along the reservoir cascade from the first reservoir (Apolônio Sales), followed by a decrease downstream from the third reservoir of the system (Xingó). Despite the negative consequences of rapid proliferation of dams, which have caused widespread loss of freshwater habitats, the reservoir cascade system promoted an increase in benthic macroinvertebrate diversity, due to water-quality improvement along the system. Key words: benthic macroinvertebrates, reservoir, biodiversity assessment, reservoir cascade concept, São Francisco river.
RESUMO Avaliação da biodiversidade de macroinvertebrados bentônicos ao longo de uma cascata de reservatórios no baixo rio São Francisco (nordeste do Brasil)Com o objetivo de determinar o efeito da cascata de reservatórios nas comunidades de macroinvertebrados bentônicos e sua possível implicação para a definição de políticas e propostas para conservação e uso sustentável da porção baixa da bacia do rio São Francisco (Bahia, Brasil), amostragens foram realizadas em três reservatórios e dois trechos a jusante do último reservatório, durante os períodos de seca (junho de 1997) e chuvas (março de 1998