Chitinases are a group of hydrolytic enzymes catalysing degradation of chitin, the second most abundant polysaccharide in nature. Chitin is an essential structural component of most fungi cell walls, and exoskeleton of insects and crustaceans. Chitinases are synthesized in wide variety of organisms including plants, vertebrates, invertebrates, microbes (bacteria and fungi) and viruses. They perform various functions in different organisms depending upon the requirement of organisms like defense against pathogens and nutritional purpose. Nowadays chitinolytic enzymes have attracted global attention because of their different biotechnological and biomedical applications due to their hydrolytic activity on chitin and thus several chitinases have been reported and characterized. They are used mainly for biodegradation of chitin into beneficial compounds. These compounds have been illustrated to enhance human health through their antimicrobial, antioxidant, antitumor and anti-inflammatory properties. Chitinases have also been exploited for bio-control of phytopathogens and insects. Apart from these, the crucial use of chitinases in present time is in management of chitinous waste thus they have the potential to become essential tools in future green application. The present review focuses on the occurrence and varied distribution of chitinases. Here we also took a closer look at recent applications of chitinase in various fields.