“…At 15°C, the cell cycle lasted about 36 h, the growth rate was about 0.057 doubling h ¡1 and the cells divided into four daughter cells as a Table 1 Duration of the cell cycle and its phases and number of daughter cells per mother cell in synchronized populations of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii grown at diVerent growth rates, using diVerent temperatures, mean light intensities, illumination regimes and methods of culturing T culture temperature in °C, I mean light intensity in mol m ¡2 s ¡1 , Light regime: LL continuous illumination, LD alternation of light and dark periods (numerals before L and D indicate number of hours spent in light and dark, respectively, growth rate in doubling h ¡1 , DC average number of daughter cells per mother cell, PreCP pre-commitment phase (interval from the beginning of the cell cycle to the midpoint of the Wrst commitment curve) in hours, PostCP post-commitment phase (interval from the midpoint of commitment curve to daughter cell release) in hours, CC duration of the cell cycle (from the beginning of the cell cycle to the midpoint of daughter cells release) in hours a Data taken from Vítová et al (2011) Table 2 Temperature coeYcients (Q 10 ) and the ratios of the lengths of the cell cycles for a given 10°C increase in temperature in synchronized populations of C. reinhardtii grown at diVerent mean light intensities °C limit of temperatures diVering by 10°C, Q 10 ratio of growth rates ( ) at temperatures (T) diVering by 10°C (T + 10, T respectively), CC 10 ratio of length of the cell cycles at temperatures diVering by 10°C, I mean light intensity in mol m ¡2 s ¡1…”