“…(Podowski et al, 1979). Exposure of cis-chlordane to UV irradiation or sunlight (Benson et al, 1971) results in the formation of the photoisomer, cis-photochlordane, which has higher acute toxicity than the parent compound to several vertebrate species (Podowski et al, 1979). Whereas the fate of photoisomers of other cyclodienes has been studied in various organisms [photodieldrin in the rat (Dailey et al, 1970(Dailey et al, ,1972; Reddy and Khan, 1974), mouse, housefly, (Reddy and Khan, 1974), rabbit (Reddy andKhan, 1975, 1977a), and rhesus monkey (Nohynek et al, 1979); photoisodrin in mouse and houseflies ( Structural formulae of cis-chlordane (I) and some of its possible photoisomers bridge; III, C2-C6;…”