SHUTTLEWORTH, T. J. 1989. Overview of epithelial ion-transport mechanisms. Can. J. Zool. 67: 3032-3038.The basic cellular transport mechanisms for the transepithelial uptake and elimination of sodium and chloride ions are briefly reviewed. These frequently involve processes defined as secondary active mechanisms, and the problems that this creates for their identification in epithelial systems are emphasised. It is suggested that despite the wide range of epithelial tissues involved in body fluid ion regulation, current evidence indicates that a relatively limited group of these secondary active carriers is involved in the transport process, and the basis for this evolutionary conservatism is discussed, together with certain of its implications. Finally, the interactions of the transport mechanisms with metabolic and acid-base parameters are contrasted in ion-uptake and ion-excretion situations, and the possible roles of carbonic anhydrase compared. SHUTTLEWORTH, T. J. 1989. Overview of epithelial ion-transport mechanisms. Can. J. Zool. 67 : 3032-3038.Les mCcanismes de base qui assurent le transport transCpithClia1 dans les cellules lors de l'absorption et de 1'Climination des ions sodium et des ions chlorure sont rCvisCs brikvement. Ces mCcanismes impliquent souvent des processus dCfinis comme des mCcanismes actifs secondaires et les problCmes que cela entrafne dans l'identification des systkmes CpithCliaux sont exposks. I1 semble qu'en dCpit de la grande variCtC de tissus CpithCliaux en cause dans la rCgulation ionique des fluides du corps, les travaux rCcents indiquent qu'un groupe relativement restreint de ces transporteurs secondaires actifs jouent un r61e dans le processus de transport. La raison de ce conservatisme Cvolutif et certaines de ses consCquences font l'objet d'une discussion. Enfin, les interactions entre, d'une part, les mCcanismes de transport et, d'autre part, les variables mCtaboliques et les variables qui jouent un r61e dans 1'Cquilibre acide -base, sont comparCes dans des conditions d'absorption et des conditions d'excrCtion d'ions; les r6les probables de l'anhydrase carbonique sont examinks.[Traduit par la revue]
IntroductionThe purpose of this brief review is not to attempt to describe in detail all the different mechanisms of ion transport across animal cell me~nbranes, but to outline some current models describing the epithelial uptake and elimination of the principal ions of vertebrate animal body fluids, sodium and chloride, and to consider some of their implications. Particular attention will be paid to a discussion of certain consequences of the fact that these transport models frequently involve processes defined as secondary active mechanisms, and of the possible interactions of these ion-regulating systems with important metabolic and acid -base parameters.