Proses klorinasi air minum menjadi standar pemeliharaan ayam ras pedaging modern, namun pada aplikasi level peternak (mitra perusahaan) proses klorinasi tidak terkontrol baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsentrasi penggunaan klorin pada air minum ayam ras pedaging, hubungannya dengan produktivitas, dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi konsentrasi klorin pada air minum tersebut. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada 90 unit kandang ayam ras pedaging di Kecamatan Ponre Kabupaten Bone Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan. Pengambilan data dilakukan secara langsung dengan mengukur konsentrasi klorin dan pH air minum ayam ras pedaging menggunakan alat CL2 Chlorine Tester. Suhu dan kelembaban diukur menggunakan Thermo Hygrometer DT-3 Elitech. Produktifitas ayam ras pedaging dihitung dari percatatan pemeliharaan peternak setiap unit kandang. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis korelasi dan regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 74,44% kandang ayam ras pedaging di Kecamatan Ponre memiliki konsentrasi klorin air minum yang tidak sesuai dengan rekomendasi. Konsentrasi klorin memiliki korelasi yang kuat dengan pH air minum, persentase afkir, persentase deplesi, konsumsi pakan, dan konversi pakan. Semakin tinggi suhu dan kelembaban, maka semakin tinggi konsentrasi klorin. Level teknologi instalasi air yang diterapkan peternak yang semakin rendah, maka konsentrasi klorin semakin tinggi secara parsial dan simultan dengan persamaan regresi Cl = 4,136 + 0,153 Suhu + 0,030 Kelembaban – 2,036 Instalasi Air.
The drinking water chlorination process has become the standard for raising modern broilers, but at the farmer (company partner) level application, the chlorination process is not well controlled. This study aims to determine the concentration of chlorine used in drinking water for broilers, its relationship with productivity, and the factors that influence the concentration of chlorine in drinking water. Data collection was carried out in 90 units of broiler cages in Ponre District Bone Regency South Sulawesi Province. Data collection was carried out directly by measuring the chlorine concentration and pH of drinking water for broilers using the CL2 Chlorine Tester. Temperature and humidity were measured using an Elitech DT-3 Thermo Hygrometer. The productivity of the broiler is calculated from the farmer's maintenance records for each cage unit. The data obtained were analyzed for correlation and multiple linear regression. The research results showed that 74.44% of broiler cages in Ponre District had drinking water chlorine concentrations that did not comply with recommendations. Chlorine concentration has a strong correlation with drinking water pH, removal percentage, depletion percentage, feed consumption, and feed conversion. The higher the temperature and humidity, the higher the chlorine concentration. The lower the level of water installation technology applied by farmers, the higher the chlorine concentration will be, partially and simultaneously with the regression equation Cl = 4.136 + 0.153 Temperature + 0.030 Humidity – 2.036 Water Installation.