“…The information given by Sericano & Pucci (1984) on the water column of Blanca Bay, Argentina, reveals no significant differences (paired t-test) between ,,.-DDT, p,p.-DDT, aldrin, heptachlor, a-HCH, y-HCH and 6-HCH concentrations between l m depth and bottom waters (7 to 12 m). The studies of Stadler (1977) show significantly higher concentrations of ,,,-DDD, a-HCH (S) Concentrahon factor Source PCB's 104-10' Duce et al (19721, Bidleman & Olney (1974), Stadler (1977), Ofstad et al (1979), Caul & Ziebarth (1980 .,.-DDT 10J-106 Bidleman & Olney (19741, Stadler (1977), Sericano & Pucci (1984) .,.-DDT 1 o4…”