Physical Characteristics of Algal Suspensions 3 Average particle diameter 3 Specific gravity 3 Electrical surface charge 4 Extracellular organic matter (EOM) 5 Bacteria 5 Algal Separation without Coagulants 6 Algal Separation with Metal Coagulants 10 Mechanisms of particle aggregation 10 Algal flocculation and settling 11 Algal filtration 13 Algal Separation with Synthetic Organic Polymers 15 Structure and selection of synthetic organic polymers 15 Mechanisms of particle aggregation 17 Algal flocculation and filtration 19 Optimal pretreatment for direct filtration 21 Algal Release of EOM 24 Organic carbon cycling in natural waters 24 The release of algal EOM 25 The nature of algal EOM 26 EOM Effects on Algal Separation 28 Experimental evidence 28 EOM reaction mechanisms 31 Chlorine Interaction with Algae 32 Chlorine chemistry 32 Chlorine effects on algal cells 35 Chlorination of algal suspensions 36 Effects of prechlorination on treatment processes 38 iii Mathematical Modeling of Deep Bed Filtration 41 Mathematical modeling: particle removal 42 Mathematical modeling: head loss 44 Numerical solution of filtration equations 45 MATERIALS, METHODS AND EQUIPMENT 47 Algal Cultures 47 Reagents 50 Jar Testing 52 Sand Filtration System 52 Molecular Weight Fractionation 55 Colloid Titration 56 Other Analytical Procedures 57 CHARACTERISTICS OF ALGAL SUSPENSIONS 61 Measurements of Algal Cell Concentration 61 Measurement of Algal Cell Size 61 Effect of Prolonged Suspension on Cell Size Distribution 67 Molecular Weight Distribution of Algal EOM 71 Charge Concentration of Algal EOM 74 Summary of Findings EFFECTS OF CATIONIC POLYMERS AND CHLORINE ON ALGAL SUSPENSIONS Characterization of Cationic Polymers Jar Testing of Algal Suspensions Cationic Polymer Effects on Algal EOM Chlorine Effects on Algal EOM Combined Effects of Cationic Polymer and Chlorine on Algal EOM 97 Summary of Findings 100 iv DIRECT FILTRATION OF ALGAL SUSPENSIONS 102 Outline of Experimental Work 102 Direct Filtration without Coagulants 104 Direct Filtration with Metal Coagulants 107 Turbidity removal 111 Head loss development rate (HDR) 111 Turbidity breakthrough 113 Chlorine effects 113 Direct Filtration with Cationic Polymers 113 Effect of polymer type 114 Effect of polymer dosage during a single filter run 114 Effect of polymer dosage during multiple filter runs 114 Effect of polymer dosage on different size fractions 120 Effect of polymer overdosage 123 Effect of mixing 123 Effect of prechlorination