A highly anisotropic electrodeposition was observed using the hybrid battery electrolyte Mg(BH 4) 2 with LiBH 4 in diglyme. At low overpotentials high aspect ratio platelet morphologies are observed with a strong fiber texture composed of a {10-10} and a {11-20} component, the first evidence of behavior of this kind in magnesium battery electrolytes. At high overpotentials the deposit aspect ratio is indistinguishable but the texture is shown to be primarily composed of a {11-20} fiber texture. The kinetic parameters relative to the relevant crystallographic faces are extracted from electron microscopy images and compared with the observed bulk rate extracted from the electrochemical data. The use of polycrystalline Ag foil substrates with little preferred orientation at the surface allowed highly polycrystalline nucleation at lower overpotentials than that of platinum, likely due to Ag alloying with Mg. Characterization using focused ion beam (FIB) cross-sections with Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) elemental analysis confirm that the deposits are primarily Mg although Mg-Ag alloys of various compositions were observed. It is proposed that the orientation at slow rates of growth is due to the underlying kinetics of adatom diffusion on Mg and that higher rates diminish the phenomenon due to decreased time for adatom diffusion and instead are governed by the rates of adatom formation or more specifically the adatom vacancy formation on the different low-index planes of Mg. Keywords Magnesium anode Crystal growth Rechargeable magnesium battery Adatom diffusion Texture anisotropy Magnesium has many of the indicators of a technology that, in principle, might come to 2 displace Li-ion batteries. When compared to Li, Mg is less expensive, more environmentally 3 benign, has a higher volumetric capacity (3833 vs 2062 mAh cm-3), and is believed to not be 4 plagued by the formation of dendrites [1]. Commercial production of Mg batteries has been 5 limited due to many problems associated with the high charge density of the Mg 2+ ion that can 6 generally be categorized as: (1) ion mobility within the cathode [2, 3] (2) anode passivation [4, 5] 7 and (3) electrolyte oxidative stability [6, 7]. Electrolyte development has been arguably the most 8 critical challenge because further studies of prospective cathodes depend upon establishing a 9 stable, non-corrosive electrolyte with a 3 V potential window. The problem of Mg battery 10 electrolyte development has been a Sabatier-like balance of coordination, requiring Cl-11 coordination strong enough to dissolve the Mg 2+ ion, yet sufficiently weak (e.g. a -Cl complex) 12 to release Mg 2+ for electrodeposition [8-10]. It is only recently that electrolytes have been 13 developed that are considered 'non-coordinating' and non-corrosive [11-13] , although questions 14 remain about the specific interactions that might be present due (in part) to the presence of 15 breakdown products. While of great interest, there remain many critical questions to address in 16 these systems, especi...