The extraction of chlorophylls in higher plant tissue using N,N-dimethylformamide expedites the process and enables the determination of small samples with low pigment level.Absorption spectra of Chi a, Chi b, and Pchl and of their acidified derivatives, the phaeophytins, were recorded. Conversion of Chi b to its corresponding acidified product occurs much more slowly than that of Chl a and Pchl. When acidffied, Pchl differs from Chl a and Chi b by the disappearance of the red band in the absorption spectrum. Specific extinction coefficients were determined and formulae for quantitative determination of pigments concentrations were developed. When concentrations of pigments are low, as in etiolated plant material, the absorption spectra of the chlorophylls can be distorted due to the presence of other substances simultaneously extracted; formulae for pigment determination under such circumstances were also derived.There is a vast array of solvents used for the extraction and determination of the Chl, but most of them necessitate grinding and centrifuging of material with or without heating t2, 5, 9). Recently, it was shown that the use of the solvent DMF renders the process simpler and faster, since the pigments can be extracted from intact tissues (I 1). A similar method which was described for green leaves, using ethanol, includes several repetitions of the extraction in relatively high volume (7). Another method was suggested, using dimethylsulfoxide. However, the tissue must be heated to 60°C (4).In a previous paper (11) Conversion of the Chl to their acidic derivatives was carried out according to (15) modified as follows: the nonacidified solution was stirred in the cuvette with a sealed pasteur pipette which was first dipped in a 5 N HCI solution. This treatment was repeated twice, although conversion of the pigments was almost complete after the first time. Change in volume was negligible. The change in pH was from 6.8 to 6.6 and was enough to enhance the total disappearance of the specific absorption spectrum of the Chl and the replacement by a stable spectrum of the corresponding acidic derivatives. All the SEC given for the phaeophytins are not corrected for loss of Mg, so that they can be utilized for the calculating of the concentrations of their corresponding Chl ( 18).
RESULTSDetermination of SEC for the Chi: The SEC were determined by the equation:where Ax is the absorbance (OD units) at a given wavelength, EA is the SEC of the solution at wavelength A, c is the concentration (g/-L') and I is the beam-path (1 cm) in the measuring cuvette.For any AX, A2 in an interval where relation (1) holds, we have:The absorbances at the maxima of the main bands in the red of Chl b in 80% acetone and of Pchl in diethylether as solvents were compared with the absorbances of the corresponding maxima of