A material containing only photosystem I (PSI) and the chlorophyll-a/b-binding light-harvesting complex of PSII (LHC-11) has been isolated from the chloroplast thylakoid membrane by solubilization with Triton X-100. Fluorescence spectroscopy shows that, within the material, LHC-11 is coupled to PSI for excitation-energy transfer and that this coupling is decreased by the presence of Mg2+, which also decreased PSI electron transport specifically at limiting light intensity. Inclusion of phosphorylated LHC-I1 within the material did not alter its structure, but gave decreased energy transfer to PSI and inhibition of electron transport which was independent of light intensity, implying effects of phosphorylation on both light harvesting and directly on electron transport. Inclusion of Mg2+ within the phosphorylated material gave decreased energy transfer, but slightly increased PSI electron transport. A cation-induced direct promotion of PSI electron transport was also observed in isolated PSI particles. The PSI/LHC-I1 material represents a model system for examining protein interactions during light-state adaptations and the possibility that LHC-I1 can contribute to the antenna of PSI in light state 2 in vivo is discussed.The two types of photosystem operating within the chloroplast thylakoid membrane are connected in series for non-cyclic photosynthetic electron transport and must therefore turn over at equal rates. Photosynthesis will be at its most efficient when the two photosystems receive excitation energy at equal rates. Photosynthetic organisms have evolved an adaptation mechanism, termed state 1 -state 2 transitions, that balances the transfer of excitation energy to the two photosystems, despite variations in light regime. Preferential excitation of photosystem I1 (PSII) gives rise to state 2 and a decrease in energy transfer to PSII relative to photosystem I (PSI). Preferentizl excitation of PSI gives rise to state 1 and an increase in excitation-energy transfer to PSII relative to PSI [l].The transition to state 2 in higher-plant chloroplasts occurs as a result of over reduction of plastoquinone by preferential excitation of PSII. This gives rise to a decrease in the absorption cross-section of PSII, which results in a decrease in the PSII fluorescence yield at room temperature [2--31 and in a decrease in PSII electron transport at limiting light intensity [4]. These effects result from phosphorylation of LHC-I1 by a protein kinase, the activity of which may be coupled to the Changes in cation concentration may also influence excitation-energy distribution [I 8 -201. An earlier mechanistic model for the regulation of excitation-energy distribution involved increased excitation of PSI in state 2. as a result of