The performance of the adsorptive heat-moisture regenerators based on the composite materials ‘silica gel - sodium acetate’ and ‘silica gel – sodium sulphate’ have been studied. The mathematical model and algorithm for determining the basic operating parameters of adsorptive regenerator in the housing and communal services sector have been further developed. The proposed algorithm which involves calculating the air volume passed through the adsorbent layer, the final absolute humidity of air near the outlet from the regenerator, the adsorption and the heat of adsorption during inflow and outflow, the final temperature of the external cold air, the air temperature after mixing the cold external air and the internal warm air in the room near the warm end of the regenerator during inflow, the air temperature after mixing of the cold external air and the warm exhaust air from the premise near the cold end of regenerator during outflow, determining the temperature and moisture efficiency factors has been completed by computing the Reynolds criterion of the adsorbent layer, the coefficient of the hydraulic resistance, the pressure loss, the consumed power of ventilator, summarized adsorption and time to achieve maximal adsorption . The adequacy of suggested mathematical model is confirmed by sufficient correlation of experimental data and calculation results with the proposed algorithm. The performance of adsorptive regenerators based on the adsorbents ‘silica gel – CH3COONa’ and ‘silica gel – Na2SO4’ has been simulated in the conditions of the conventional ventilation system of living quarters. The efficiency of adsorptive regenerators has been compared when ‘silica gel – CH3COONa’ and ‘silica gel – Na2SO4’ used. The correlation of design and efficiency of adsorptive regenerators is shown.