Two-dimensional compressible momentum and energy equations are solved lo ohtain the heat transfer characteristics of gaseous flows in parallel-plate microchannels. The numerical methodology is hased on the arbitrary-Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) method. The computations were performed for channels with adiahatic walls to obtain the adiabatic wall temperature. The channel height ranges from 10 to IttO fim and the channel length is fixed at 30 mm. The stagnation pressure varies from 1.1 x It^ to 4 x lO'' Pa. The outlet pressure is fixed at the atmosphere. The computations were also performed for channels with isothermal walls. The aspeet ratio of the channel length and height is 100 or 200. The clumnel height also ranges from 10 to 100 fim. The bulk and total temperatures are compared with that of the incompressible flow in the conventional-sized parallel plate channel Fabrication of small devices has increased the needs for understanding of fluid flow and heat transfer in microgeometries. Since the early work of Tuckerman [1], many experimental and numerical investigations have been undertaken. Gaseous (low in a microchannel is affected by the rarefaction (the slip on the surface), the surface roughness, and the compressibility effects separately or combined. The rarefaction effect for fluid flow can be studied by solving the momentum and energy equations with slip velocity and temperature jump boundary conditions (e.g., [2, 3]). Thi.s effect is dominant when the characteristic length of the channel is less than about 10 fim. The value of / • Re decreases from the conventional value with decreasing characteristic length. Experimental studies of gaseous flows in microchannels with rough surface [4] and smooth surface Pfahler [5] have been performed and the results were reported in the literatures. The combined effects of surface roughness, rarefaction, and compressibility were experimentally investigated by Turner et al. [6. 7]. This was the first study to systematically investigate the problem by using channels whose surface roughness was controlled.Compressibility effects have been reported hy Prud'homme et al. [8], who performed a two-dimensional analysis of isothermal, laminar flow of an ideal gas in a straight microtube. Also, Berg et al.[9] performed a two-dimensional analysis of isothermal, laminar flow of ideal gas in a straight microtube. The range of those solutions is limited to low Ma number flows. The value of / -Re is higher but almost equal to