Many incision have been advocated and used for open cholecystectomy. It is the muscle division which is supposed to be responsible for postoperative pain and the resultant local and systemic effects. This study was undertaken at BPSGMC for woman at Khanpurkalan to know whether muscle splitting technique for open cholecystectomy affects postoperative pain, discomfort and encourages early mobilization with reduction in hospital stay compared with traditional rectus muscle dividing open cholecystectomy. About one hundred female patients were randomly divided into two groups and observations were noted. Pain measurement was done by simple pain, sedation and nausea scoring system as given by Dr. Ann Coleman. The day on which patient became mobile and were fit for discharge were noted in both groups. It was found in this study that the muscle splitting incision is superior to muscle dividing incision in term of less pain, early mobility, less physiological alteration, decreased morbidity and hospital stay.