“…Various surgical procedures have been reported as follows: (1) intraperitoneal drainage only , (2) biliary drainage through a perforation site , (3) construction of a tube biliary fistula, (4) suture closure of the perforation site , (5) closure by placing a gallbladder patch on the perforation site, (6) sewing a caulescent gallbladder wall as a patch on the perforation site , T tube insertion into the common bile duct, (7) cholecystoduodenostomy or cholecystojejunostomy , (8) if the perforation site is the gallbladder, cholecystectomy; if the perforation site is the bile duct, choledochojejunostomy (choledochoduodenostomy), (9) choledochojejunostomy (choledochoduodenostomy), (10) T tube biliary fistula, (11) extrahepatic biliary resection after several months , (12) extrahepatic biliary resection according to the general physical condition of the patient , etc.…”