cholesteric mesophase is the selective light refl ection. The maximum refl ection wavelength is determined by the simple Equation ( 1) max nP λ =where n is the average refractive index of the material and P is the helix pitch. According to this relation, the variation of the helix pitch simultaneously changes the wavelength of light refl ection. The specifi c values of helix pitch depend on the chemical structure of the substances forming the cholesteric phase. In the most cases the cholesteric mesophase is formed by doping of nematic liquid crystals with a chiral additive (dopant) possessing a proper helical twisting power, β . This phenomenological parameter characterizes the ability of the dopant to twist the nematic structure according to Equation ( 2)where X is the concentration of the chiral dopant. This value strongly depends on the geometry of the chiral fragments and molecular interactions (steric, van der Waals, etc.) between the mixture components. These relations between chiral dopants structure and helical twisting power allowed one to create ways for phototuning of the helix pitch. [9][10][11] In many previously studied systems light exposure induces the photochemical E/Z isomerization of aromatic anisometric part of a chiral compound resulting in the formation of a bent-shaped Z-isomer having lower β-values compared to the initial rodlike E-isomer ( Figure 1 ).One of the most interesting and important areas of CLCs application is related to creation of the diffraction gratings. We can distinguish, at least, fi ve different ways to produce phase gratings in CLC systems. Let us briefl y describe each of them.1) The fi rst method is based on the application of the holographic technique to produce the volume phase gratings (refractive index modulation) and/or surface relief gratings (SRG) in photochromic (in most cases azobenzene-containing) cholesteric polymer systems. [12][13][14][15][16][17] In the majority instances the photosensitive moieties are mainly used for the photo-orientation or photo-induced mass transfer. However, there is an example of "dual" photo-recording consisting of For the fi rst time the cholesteric mixture containing nematic polymer with small amount of chiral-photochromic dopant is used for electroinduced diffraction gratings production. The gratings are obtained by applying electric fi eld to the planar-aligned cholesteric polymer layer causing its periodical distortion. Material developed permits manipulating supramolecular helical structure by means of UV exposure resulting in helix untwisting. Photo-controlling of helix pitch brings to change parameters of the electroinduced gratings. Due to macromolecular "nature" of the material one can easily stabilize electroinduced gratings by fast sample cooling. All-known cholesteric grating types are realized in the studied polymer material. It is observed that the grating vector can be oriented along or perpendicular to the rubbing direction of the cell. It is shown that the diffraction effi ciency is dictated by grating type and...