ipids are an essential component in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. As atherosclerosis advances, lipids play an important role in determining plaque vulnerability. [1][2][3] Vulnerable plaques are characterized by distinct morphological features: thin fibrous caps and enlarged lipid cores. 4 -6 The latter is composed of free and modified cholesterols, phospholipids, triacylglycerol, and fatty acids. 7 Cholesterols, which comprise the main component of these lipid cores, can exist in a soft gruel-like phase and in various crystallized forms such as plates, needles, and sometimes helices. 8,9 Recently, Virmani et al 6 reported that ruptured plaques contain greater amounts of cholesterol clefts or crystals in their necrotic cores than stable plaques, potentially indicating that these cholesterol clefts and crystals may be partly responsible for plaque vulnerability. However, little is known about the role of lipid crystals in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and plaque vulnerability, most likely because of the lack of currently available non-tissue-destructive imaging techniques and ex vivo chemical profiling tools.Nonlinear spectroscopic imaging modalities have the potential to visualize cellular organelles and tissue architecture with molecular specificity. Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microcopy has recently emerged as the most viable means for 3D chemical imaging of tissues. 10 -12 It works by probing intrinsic molecular vibrations, which obviates the need to label target molecules and fix specimens. 13 Original received September 8, 2009; revision received March 2, 2010; accepted March 9, 2010 CARS microscopy has been used in a full-scale biological study of lipid metabolism in a living organism after direct evidence of the undesirable bias associated with fluorescence labeling techniques was demonstrated. 14 Recently, a videorate CARS microscopy system has been developed for imaging skin tissue in vivo. 15,16 Because of the nonlinear nature of the CARS process, rapid scanning of the tight focal spot over the specimen permitted real-time acquisition of vibrational contrast images with 3D submicron resolution, 14 which is not possible with conventional Raman microscopes. CARS microscopy is particularly ideal for selective imaging of lipids because of the abundance of carbon-hydrogen (CH) bonds that exist in lipids as compared to the surrounding tissues. Lipids exhibit strong and distinct vibrational signatures in CARS spectra from 2700 to 3100 cm Ϫ1 . 15,16 Because of these unique characteristics, CARS microscopy is a suitable tool for atherosclerosis which is one of lipid-related diseases. Le et al applied CARS to image lipid-laden cells in atheroma, 17 and the morphological components of arterial walls were imaged as well 18 by integrating other nonlinear optics such as second harmonic generation and 2-photon auto-fluorescence (TPAF) into CARS. However, detailed chemical analysis of lipid composition beyond mere vibrational histology is still limited in the currently available CAR...