Reactions for hydrolytic enzymes such as aminopeptidase, p-glucuronidase, N-acetyl-p-glucosaminidase, arylsulfatase and non-specific esterases indicated various degrees of activity within the chondrocytes of the young mandibular condyle. Most of the reaction products of the above enzymes appeared as discrete granules, which might indicate a lysosomal origin. The most intense activity of these enzymes was observed within chondroblasts and premineralizing hypertrophic chondrocytes. However, chondrocytes within the mineralizing zone also appeared synthetically active. The latter cells, as well as those at the adjacent ossification front, revealed some activity by a majority of the enzymes tested.This could indicate that some metabolic functions, although reduced in degree, continue in the cells of these mineralizing zones of endochondral ossification.Matrical reactions, with the exception of arylsulfatase and aminopeptidase, were essentially negative. The positive reactions for the latter enzymes might be an indication of their involvement in the process of extracellular mineralization.While hydrolytic enzymes have been studied in the cartilage of the epiphyseal plate by Kuhlman ('65), Granda and Posner ('71) and Ehrlich et al. ('73), few investigations have been conducted on secondary cartilage such as that found in the mandibular condyle (Greenspan and Blackwood, '66; Silbermann and Frommer, '73a). The possibility that hydrolytic enzymes, such as nonspecific esterases, glycosidases, aminopeptidase and arylsulfatase, are associated with the synthesis and turnover of protein-polysaccharide complexes in cartilaginous tissue increases the importance of investigating these enzymes in normal cartilage during endochondral ossification. Such a study might provide further information in regard to the participation of these enzymes in matrix formation and mineralization (Silbermann and Frommer, '73b). Therefore, studies were undertaken to determine whether these enzymes are active in the condylar cartilage and, if so, to relate them to morphological and physiological alterations that are known to occur during chondrogenesis and mineralization (Brighton et al., '73).
MATERIALS AND METHODSThirty male and female CD-1 mice, six AM. J. ANAT., 140: 369-382. days of age, were anesthetized with ether and decapitated. Blocks 3-4 mm thick were prepared. After fixation in formol-calcium (Baker, '44) for 24 hours at 4"C, tissues were transferred directly into hypertonic gum-sucrose (0.88 M ) medium and were left for 24-48 hours at 4°C. Tissues were then quenched for two minutes in 2-methylbutane which was cooled to -80°C by liquid nitrogen. The blocks were sectioned in the coronal plane at 10 in a microtome-cryostate at -20°C.The histochemicd methods utilized and components of the various incubation media are listed in table 1. As controls, sections were incubated in media from which the substrate had been omitted, OK were heated to 60°C for 20 minutes prior to incubation in the reaction mixtures. The following inhibitors of a-...