In zebrafish inner ear, hair cell orientation in anterior and posterior maculae of the embryonic otic vesicle is different (about 30-40 degrees): this is rather unusual in planar polarity mechanism of action, instead suggests that kinocilia may be rotationally polarized. In mice node, the innermost monociliated cells generate a left-ward fluid flow sensed by the immotile primary cilia of Left peri-nodal cells: the Nodal signaling pathway is then expressed asymmetrically, in the Left lateral plate mesoderm, breaking symmetry in visceral organs (situs solitus); however, Right peri-nodal cells also, if artificially excited by a right-ward flow, break symmetry and activate the Nodal cascade, though inverting visceral organ asymmetry (situs inversus); surprisingly, peri-nodal cells prove to be adept at distinguishing flow directionality. Recently, in the Kupffer vesicle (the zebrafish laterality organ), chiral primary cilia orientation has been described: primary cilia, in the left and right side, are symmetrically oriented, showing a mirror average divergence of about 15-20 degrees from the midline. This finding, taken together with the mirror behavior of mouse perinodal cells and zebrafish hair cells, champions the idea of primary cilia enantiomerism.