From the remains of the planned contribution of our department to the Night of Sciences 2020 in Berlin, which was cancelled due to the pandemic conditions at the time, a new concept in cooperation with the privately owned Gallery Museum of Future in Berlin and the Foundation for German-Polish Cooperation was drawn. Based on an idea by artist Witold Stypa, who's work is seeking to visualize multidimensional spaces in paintings and sculptures, a hybrid exhibition entitled Shapes, colours and sounds in the world of mathematics -100 years Theodor Kaluza's 5 th dimension was designed. It comprises paintings and sculptures with special optical effects and musical elements, which are derived from investigations on optics and sounds as discussed in previous SPIE papers. It is dedicated to the work of Theodor Kaluza, mathematician and physicist of german and polish descent. He is known for his paper On the problem of unity in physics, which was presented by Albert Einstein on December 8 th 1921 to the Prussian Academy of Science and which is the origin of the Kaluza-Klein theory. The physical parts of the exhibition are spread over various locations in Germany and Poland, including Kaluza's place of birth, Opole, which are interactively linked via video conference tools. In addition to the impact in outreach for the Department of Electrical Engineering of the bbw University and the artists involved, the project provided new unexpected insides into effects of human perception effects, which are roughly discussed in the paper.