“…(2) when C B is stipulated, the buyer chooses apples (buyA) or bananas (buyB); (3) if the buyer chooses apples, S gets the payment (pay1E), and ships the item (shipA); (4) otherwise, if the buyer chooses bananas, S checks if the item is in stock; (5) if bananas are in stock, S provides the buyer with the quotation of 1 (quote1E), receives the payment (pay1E), and ships the item (shipB); (6) otherwise, if bananas are not in stock, S advertises the contract C D ; (7) when C D is stipulated, S pre-orders bananas from the distributor (buyB); (8) S sends a 3 quotation to the buyer (quote3E) and waits for the buyer's reply; (9) if the buyer pays 3 (pay3E), then S pays the distributor (pay2E), receives the item from the distributor (shipB), and ships it to the buyer (shipB). The store service terminates correctly whenever two conditions hold: the buyer is honest, and at step 7 the middleware selects an honest distributor.…”