Background: Choriocarcinoma is a rare and highly malignant tumor. It is characterized by the production of large amounts of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). The lumbar vertebrae and epidural space metastases of choriocarcinoma are extremely rare. This is a rare case report of a middle-aged woman with metastatic choriocarcinoma in the lumbar vertebrae, epidural space.Case presentation: The present case report describes a 42-year-old Chinese female patient who was admitted to the spine surgery department of The Second Afflicted Hospital of Dalian Medical University with signs of low back pain for ten days, weakness in both lower limbs and dysuria for four days in 2019. Magnetic resonance imaging revealed an inhomogeneous nodular lesion in the anterior epidural space from L3 to L4 and an abnormal signal in the L4 vertebral body. The patient underwent emergency surgery on the first day of admission for quick onset of paraplegia and dysuria. But the operation was stopped because of heavy bleeding. Five days later, she underwent endovascular embolization of the left and the right L4 lumbar segmental arteries, and after that, the hypervascular mass was subtotally removed. The histopathological diagnosis was choriocarcinoma. Then the patient received chemotherapy. But there was no apparent improvement in the neurological statement after chemotherapy. The patient’s outcome is death.Conclusions: This case suggests that choriocarcinoma should be borne in mind when observing a spinal extraosseous extension lesion with elevated β-HCG in a woman of child-bearing age.