Introduction: Choroidal hemangiomas are the most common benign uveal vascular tumors. They are usually diagnosed at the complication stage. We report two atypical cases of choroidal hemangioma discovered on pathological examination.Observation: These were two patients aged 50 and 49, respectively, with poorly monitored hypertension, whose left eye (LE) had been nonfunctional for a few years. One had consulted for a sudden decrease in visual acuity of the right eye (RE). Examination of this eye found visual acuity (VA) reduced to light perception, an annexal inflammatory syndrome, a normal ocular tone and a fundus showing a greyish choroidal mass at the posterior pole of about 5 papillary diameters with a lower choroidal lift. The other had consulted for pain associated with spontaneous left eye bleeding. On examination the visual acuity was reduced to a lack of light perception, a perforation with result of the ocular contents was noted. Orbit and cerebral imaging performed in them showed an intraocular tumor process with signs of malignancies. After multidisciplinary consultation, the exenteration of the eyes concerned was indicated and carried out. The pathological examination of the surgical parts was in favor of choroidal hemangioma.
Conclusion:Choroidal hemangiomas are rare benign tumors. They can be problematic in their management because they can mimic choroidal melanomas.