In the 70s, Goldberg, and independently Seymour, conjectured that for any multigraph G,We show that their conjecture (in a stronger form) is true for random multigraphs. Let M (n, m) be the probability space consisting of all loopless multigraphs with n vertices and m edges, in which m pairs from [n] are chosen independently at random with repetitions. Our result states that, for a given m := m(n), M ∼ M (n, m) typically satisfies χ ′ (G) = max{∆(G), ⌈ρ(G)⌉}. In particular, we show that if n is even and m := m(n), then χ ′ (M ) = ∆(M ) for a typical M ∼ M (n, m). Furthermore, for a fixed ε > 0, if n is odd, then a typical M ∼ M (n, m) has χ ′ (M ) = ∆(M ) for m ≤ (1 − ε)n 3 log n, and χ ′ (M ) = ⌈ρ(M )⌉ for m ≥ (1 + ε)n 3 log n. To prove this result, we develop a new structural characterization of multigraphs with chromatic index larger than the maximum degree.