Epigenetics is a fast-growing field in molecular biology. It studies the ways in which modifications to DNA affect gene expression and cell functioning (Carlberg and Molnár, 2019), providing an interface between the genetic and the environmental. The difference between epigenetics and genetics is located in the prefix 'epi', meaning that epigenetic mechanisms are something upon, attached to, or beyond genetics. 1 Epigenetic information may be regarded as another layer beyond genomic information that not only enriches but also challenges insights from more traditional understandings of genetics. The central 'dogma' of genetics is the idea that there is a oneway progression, whereby the genetic code (DNA) is transcribed into RNA, which is translated into proteins. Epigenetics, however, calls into question the unidirectional assumption of this progression, and shows that the interface between genetics and the environment of the genes is much more complex (Hens, 2022).By regulating gene expression, epigenetics provides a route for environmental influences, including social factors, to affect the development of phenotypes at a molecular level. Epigenome-wide analysis and similar technologies help us to discover the large-scale molecular alterations caused by environmental influences, ranging from food intake during pregnancy to particulate matter related to pollution (Fazzari and Greally, 2010;Rosen et al, 2018;Mancilla et al, 2020). Although the mechanisms described in the central dogma of genetics remain valid, epigenetics paints a far more intricate picture of human development than has often been assumed in science and the popular media alike. This raises important issues for ethicists and legal scholars. For example, it has been suggested that epigenetic changes may be passed on to future generations, extending the scope of responsibility that people may have towards current or future offspring. Moreover, although