Local bending propensity and curvature of DNA can he characterized using a vector description of DNA bendability, based on a set of parameters derived from deoxyribonuclease I (DNase I) cleavage experiments. Two characteristics -arithmetic and vector averages of bendability -were successfully used to predict experimentally known bendable, rigid and curved segments in DNA. A characteristic distribution of bendability is conserved in evolutionarily related kinetoplast sequences. An analysis of the M. genitalium and H. influenzae genomes as well as fragments of human and yeast genomes shows, on the other hand, that highly curved segments -similar to artificially designed curved oligonucleotides -are extremely rare in natural DNA.bendable segments [2]. Bendability plots were drawn by first dividing a DNA sequence into overlapping trinucleotides, then assigning a bendability value given in Table 1 to the center of each trinucleotide. (In this way the first and last nucleotides will have no values so a sequence of 32 residues will have 30 values.) Average bendability and helical asymmetry (see below at Eq. 1) were calculated for segments of 32 bp, i.e. approximately three helical turns. The calculated profiles do not significantly depend on this window length. Random sequences were generated by random shuffling the sequence of entire genomes. The shuffled sequences were then divided into overlapping segments of 32 residues for the calculation of the values given in Table 1 which are averages and standard deviations calculated from 10 runs of randomization.
Results and discussion