The performance advantages of carrying out electrochemically modulated liquid chromatography (EMLC) at elevated temperatures and mobile-phase flow rates are investigated. EMLC has the unique ability to manipulate analyte retention and enhance separation efficiencies through changes in the potential applied to a conductive stationary phase. Operation of high-performance liquid chromatography systems at elevated column temperatures also provides pathways to improve chromatographic performance by enhancing analyte diffusivity and facilitating the use of higher mobile-phase flow rates than conventionally attainable. The results show that performing EMLC separations at elevated temperatures (e.g., 100 °C) reduces the analysis time of a mixture of aromatic sulfonates in a mixed mobile phase by more than a factor of 20. Moreover, use of higher operating temperatures enables the separation of this mixture with an entirely aqueous mobile phase in less than 2 min. This paper investigates the advantages of performing separations using electrochemically modulated liquid chromatography (EMLC) at elevated column temperatures. EMLC is a unique chromatographic technique that manipulates retention through changes in the potential applied (E app ) to a conductive stationary-phase-like porous graphitic carbon (PGC). This capability is realized by fashioning a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) column into an electrochemical cell and utilizing the packing as both a chromatographic stationary phase and as a working electrode. As a consequence, a change in E app alters the effective surface composition of the stationary phase and, in turn, retention. 1 Several laboratories, 2-5 including our own, 6-10 have demonstrated that EMLC can be utilized for the separation of a wide range of mixtures (e.g., aromatic sulfonates, 10 monosubstituted benzenes, 9 protonated pyridines and anilines, 11 corticosteroids, 7 benzodiazepines, 6 short-chain alkanoic acids, 12 and metal ion complexes 13 ).Recent studies have shown that elevated column temperatures can also be used to manipulate retention in HPLC by significantly reducing analysis times while maintaining an effective separation. 14-16 This observation was theoretically predicted several years ago 17,18 and comes about because of three different temperature-dependent phenomena. First, retention in most reversed-phase separations is an exothermic process. 19-21 An increase in column temperature therefore leads to a decrease in elution time. Second, the viscosity of most mobile phases decreases with increasing temperature. As a consequence, the back pressure of the HPLC system decreases, enabling operation at higher flow rates. Third, higher column temperatures increase analyte diffusivity and desorption kinetics. Enhanced diffusivity increases the efficiency of a separation by lowering the C-term in the van Deemter equation, 22 which counters the loss in efficiency that arises at higher mobile-phase flow rates.