of furanocbomones. Can. 9. Biochern. 49,[964][965][966][967][968][969][970].Radioactive khellin, visnagin, and visarnminol were recovered from Anarni oisnaga plants fed [I-14C]-acetate. A trapping experiment with 5,7-dihydroxy-2-methylchromone indicated that this compound was formed from acetate in the plant. It was then prepared labelled with I4C and 'H and administered to shoots, demonstrating its conversion to visarnrninol and furancdshomones. A biosynthetic pathway is proposed: acetate + 5,7-dihydroxy-2-methylchron10ne -+ peu~nin++visamminol++visnagin and khellin.The gas chromatography of some A. visnaga constituents is described. The furamocoumarins xanthotoxin and isopimpinellin were shown to be present in the plant.Administration of labelled 5,7-dihydsoxy-Zrnethylchromone to shoots of Angelica archangelica resulted in the elaboration of labelled furanochrsmones, suggesting that the furan moiety of furamochromones and fwamocoumarins may be formed via similar if not identical enzyme systems. HARRISON, P. G., BAILEY, B. K., et STECK, W. Biosynthesis of furanochromones. Can. J. Biochem. 49, 964-970 (1971).Apr6s ingestion de [I-14C] acktate par des plants d9Ammi visnaga, nous avons recouvrk de la radioactivitb dans la kheIline, la visnagine et Ie visamminol. Une experience de trappage dkmontre que dans 8 wtte plante, la $7-dihydroxy-2-mCthylc~omone est formke h partir de l'acbtate. Nous I'avons alors marquke avec le I4C et le 'H et nous l'avons administree ii des pousses pour demontrer sa conversion en visamminol et en furanochrsmones. Voici la route biosynthetique proposie: acbtate-+5,7-dihydroxy-2-m~thylchromone-+peucenine++visarnminol++visnagine et khelline.Nous decrivons la chromatographie en phase gazeuse de quelques constituants d'A. oisnaga. Ees furanocoumarines xanthotoxine et isopimpinelline, sont prtsentes dans la plamte. L'administration de 5,7-dihydroxy-2-m$thylchromone masquk a des pousses d9Angelisa archangelica entraine 1'elaboration de furanmhromones marquees. II semble done que la fraction furame des furanochromones et des furanocoumarines wit formde par des systkmes enzymatiques semblables sinon identiques.INRCC No. 11993. 2NRCC summer student 1970. Present address :