The chromosome number and karyotype analysis of ten taxa of genus Tanacetum found native to Turkey were examined in detail. Somatic chromosome numbers were determined as follows: 2n=18 in T. balsamitoides Sch.Bip., T. parthenifolium Sch.Bip., T. zahlbruckneri (Náb.) Grierson, T. densum (Labill.) Sch.Bip. ssp. laxum Grierson, T. densum (Labill.) Sch.Bip. ssp. amani Heywood, T. argenteum (Lam.) Willd. ssp. argenteum, T. tomentellum (Boiss.) Grierson, 2n=36 in T. nitens (Boiss. & Noë) Grierson, T. polycephalum Sch.Bip. ssp. argyrophyllum (K.Koch) Podlech, T. abrotanifolium (L.) Druce. It was observed that chromosomes of Tanacetum taxa, of which karyotype analyses were examined, have generally median (m), submedian (sm), and rarely median point (M), subterminal (st) centromeres. In T. parthenifolium, T. nitens, T. abrotanifolium and T. argenteum ssp. argenteum; one pair of satellite chromosomes was observed.