14Distance between fluorescent spots formed by various kinetochore proteins ('Delta') is proposed 15 to reflect the level of intrakinetochore tension (IKT). However, larger-scale changes in the 16 kinetochore architecture may also affect Delta. To test this possibility, we measure Delta in long 17 kinetochores of Indian muntjac (IM) whose shape, size, and orientation are discernable in 18 conventional light microscopy. We find that architecture of IM kinetochores and the value of 19Delta change minimally when microtubule-mediated forces are suppressed by Taxol. In 20 contrast, large decreases of Delta observed in Taxol-treated human cells coincide with 21 prominent changes in length and shape of the kinetochore. We also find that inner and outer 22 kinetochore proteins intermix within a common spatial compartment instead of forming separate 23 thin layers. These observations, supported by computational modelling, suggest that changes in 24Delta reflect changes in the kinetochore shape rather than the level of IKT. 25 7We find that DeltaCenpA-GFP-Hec1 in IM cells fixed with PFA (113±14 nm, Figure 2C) or GA 126 (109±14 nm, Figure 2D) is greater than DeltaCenpA-Hec1 (95±14 nm, Figure 2A). A similar 127 difference in the distance between Hec1 and CenpA vs. CenpA-GFP positions was observed in 128 human cells [8, 22] and the difference was attributed to the increased fluorescence between the 129 sister kinetochores due to overexpression of CenpA [22]. In contrast to human cells, where 130Taxol decreases DeltaCenpA-GFP-Hec1 by greater than 20 nm, in IM the value decreases merely 5-7 131 nm despite a prominent decrease in the distance between sister kinetochores, which indicates 132 cessation of forces that stretch the centromere (Figure 2C,D). Indeed, inter-kinetochore 133 distances in cells treated with Taxol are similar to the distances in cells where microtubules are 134 completely depolymerized ( Figure 2C,D). However, in contrast to Taxol, DeltaCenpA-GFP-Hec1 135 decreases by ~20-nm after 15-min exposure of IM cells to 3-µM nocodazole decreases ( Figure 136 2C,D). 137