The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is considered one of the most unfavorable territories of the Russian Federation for the prevalence of hemocontact viral hepatitis B, C and D, and their adverse outcomes -cirrhosis and primary liver cancer [1,4,5]. According to official statistics, in 2017, only 328 cases of chronic hepatitis B (CHB), (34.2 per 100,000 cases) and 501 cases of chronic hepatitis C (CHC) were registered (52.1 per 100,000 cases). In the structure of chronic viral hepatitis, the proportion of chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C in 2017 was 39.5 % and 60.5 %, respectively.In different parts of the republic, the incidence rates of viral hepatitis are unevenly distributed, which is related to the conditions of everyday life of the population and the remoteness of residents of the regions from the large settlements of the republic, provided with all kinds of medical and social assistance, including modern laboratories, so necessary for hard-to-reach areas of the RS(Y).Of great interest is the intrafamilial spread of viral hepatitis. In families of patients with chronic hepatitis B, the prevalence of infection was higher (77.6 %) than in the acute viral hepatitis B (39.7 %). And the risk of infection in family hearth with active replication of the hepatitis B virus was 1.5 times higher than in hearth without replication of the virus at the source of the infection.The intrafamilial distribution of HCV-infection was less intense. Most often, markers of viral hepatitis C were detected among the spouses of infected (in 35.1 ± 7.9 % of cases).It is necessary to further modernize the system of providing the population with quality medical care, the implementation of national programs and directions for vaccination of the population against viral hepatitis B, early detection and timely antiviral treatment of patients with chronic viral hepatitis B, C and D for the prevention of cirrhosis and liver cancer, improving epidemiological surveillance for parenteral viral hepatitis in the region and dynamic monitoring of patients and their families.