International Rescue Committee (IRC), '10 Countries at Risk of Climate Disaster', 25 May 2023, https:// www.res arti cle/ 10-countr ies-risk-clim ate-disas ter accessed 25 May 2023. 9 IRC (n 8). 10 In Nigeria, many MNCs, including Shell, Chevron and Agip, have always had subsidiaries that operated in the oil and gas industry in Nigeria. For example, Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria (SPDC), a Royal Dutch Shell (RDS) subsidiary, is one of Nigeria's oldest oil firms and the first company to export oil from Nigeria has led the field in the oil and gas sector in the country. Generally, see JG Frynas, MP Beck and K Mellahi, 'Maintaining Corporate Dominance After Decolonization: the "First Mover Advantage' of Shell-BP in Nigeria" (2000) 27(85) Review of African Political Economy 407-25. RDS is now called Shell plc.