AIM:To investigate the usefulness of secretin injection-MRCP for the diagnosis of mild chronic pancreatitis.
METHODS:Sixteen patients having mild chronic pancreatitis according to the Cambridge classification and 12 control subjects with no abnormal findings on the pancreatogram were examined for the diagnostic accuracy of secretin injection-MRCP regarding abnormal branch pancreatic ducts associated with mild chronic pancreatitis (Cambridge Classification), using endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) for comparison.
RESULTS:The sensitivity and specificity for abnormal branch pancreatic ducts determined by two reviewers were respectively 55%-63% and 75%-83% in the head, 57%-64% and 82%-83% in the body, and 44%-44% and 72%-76% in the tail of the pancreas. The sensitivity and specificity for mild chronic pancreatitis were 56%-63% and 92%-92%, respectively. Interobserver agreement (κ statistics) concerning the diagnosis of an abnormal branch pancreatic duct and of mild chronic pancreatitis was good to excellent.
CONCLUSION:Secretin injection-MRCP might be useful for the diagnosis of mild chronic pancreatitis. Comparative study using secretin injection-magnetic resonance c h o l a n g i o p a n c r e a t o g r a p h y a n d e n d o s c o p i c r e t r o g r a d e pancreatography.