Chronic pelvic pain syndrome is a complex process and mostly includes several organ systems. The gynecologic aspects of chronic pelvic pain syndrome can be divided into four distinct components: intra-abdominal pain, vaginal pain, pelvic floor pain, and sexual pain. The сommon gynecological causes of chronic pelvic pain are endometriosis, adenomyosis, vulvovaginal pain syndrome, pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, and sexual pain in women.This article describes the gynecological examination of patients with chronic pelvic pain and discusses the most common gynecological diseases and methods of their treatment. A review of the literature was conducted, which included the recommendations of the International Society for Urinary Incontinence, the European Association of Urology, and the International Association for the Study of Pain.Gynecological examination of patients with chronic pelvic pain begins with a history taking and physical examination. Laboratory tests, imaging examinations, and diagnostic procedures can be used additional methods to make a more accurate diagnosis. Treatment methods include physical therapy, medication, trigger point injections, and surgery.Because the diagnosis and treatment of chronic pelvic pain can be complex, it is important that physicians know the various aspects of this syndrome to be able to provide appropriate care for patients. Detailed history taking and physical examination for identifying the cause of the pain can help to determine the next step in evaluation and treatment. However, gynecological pathology is one of many, but not the only, that can be associated with chronic pelvic pain. This, it is necessary to perform a multimodal and multidisciplinary approach in the management of patients with chronic pelvic pain.