Objectives: This study aims to investigate the frequency and management of complications of chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM).
Patients and Methods:Out of 376 patients with CSOM, 44 patients (25 males, 19 females; mean age 48.5±3.5 years; range 21 to 76 years) meeting study criteria were enrolled in this descriptive cross sectional study which was conducted at the Department of Ear Nose and Throat, Head and Neck Surgery, Postgraduate Medical Institute, Lady Reading Hospital Peshawar. All newly diagnosed patients having CSOM with complications were enrolled. The complications were treated first. Intracranial abscesses were evacuated by neurosurgeons. Radical and modified radical mastoidectomy were performed.
Results:Majority of the patients presented in the second and third decade of life (21-30 years: 27.27%, 31-40 years: 18.18%). Most of the patients (59.1%) had lower socioeconomic status. Canal wall down mastoidectomy was the most common (79.5%) procedure performed. Cholesteatoma was the most common operative finding (100%). Among extracranial complications, subperiosteal abscess was the most common finding (38.63%), while extradural abscess outnumbered (22.72%) in intracranial complications.
Bulgular:Hastaların çoğu yaşamlarının ikinci ve üçüncü on yılında başvurdu (21-30 yaş: %27.27, 31-40 yaş: %18.18). Hastaların çoğunun sosyoekonomik durumu düşüktü (%59.1). Açık mastoidektomi en yaygın uygulanan işlemdi (%79.5). Kolesteatom en yaygın ameliyat bulgusuydu (%100). Ekstrakraniyal komplikasyonlar içinde subperiostal apse en yaygın bulgu iken (%38.63) intrakraniyal komplikasyonlarda ekstradural apse daha çoktu (%22.72).Sonuç: Kronik süpüratif otitis media komplikasyonları yaygın olarak düşük sosyoekonomik durumu olan daha genç insanları etkiler. Beyin cerrahlarıyla işbirliği yapılması bu enfeksiyonun başarıyla yönetilmesinde yardımcı olabilir.Anahtar Sözcükler: Ekstrakraniyal komplikasyonlar; intrakraniyal komplikasyonlar; süpüratif otitis media.